We love partnering with our instructors! Find out how to schedule a tour, work together on an assignment for one of your courses, or put course materials on reserve.
Schedule a Tour
We love to have classes tour Peik45 to ensure that they are aware of the library and the many resources it has available to them. Feel free to email us anytime if you would like to set up a tour for your students. An email will also be sent to all CI instructors at the beginning of each term with more information and the link to a Google Form for tour scheduling. Please note that tours may be conducted by either the PhD student coordinator or an undergraduate student librarian.
Partner on an Assignment
There are times when having our collections available during a class session or connected directly to a specific assignment would benefit the learning objectives of your course. We love to partner with instructors to host part or all of a class session in the library or create a micro-collection for your student's use, as needed.
Place Books on Reserve
If you would like to place books on reserve for your course, please email us. We will keep the books behind our front desk and they will only be accessible through a CI Librarian. You can determine if you would like them to only be used in Peik 45 or if they can be borrowed through the use of a sign out sheet. We can hold books in reserve for any length of time that is best suited to your course and student needs.